Garden at Woodward Park

November 13, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

In my opinion, Autumn/Fall is one of the most colorful time of the year where nature puts on an fabulous display.  During an outing last week with my family at Woodward Park in Tulsa, I stumbled upon this beauty just as we were ready to leave.  I only saw the structure from a distance and it was behind a ornamental iron fence.  To my delight as I got closer, the colors and the creepers on the brick were just picture perfect.  Stuck my lens between the fence bars and took a few shots.  It was close to sunset so the lighting was just right.

After transferring the image to my laptop, it looked more like a painting of rich colors.  Upon exploring the ever trusting Internet, I found a way to convert a photograph into a digital painting!  It only took a bit of trial & error and a few mouse clicks to create a unique perspective.  Hope you enjoy it as much as did creating it.  

Photograph, Painting or Combination?Photograph, Painting or Combination?


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